vacancies in Educational Publications Department

vacancies in Banking Trainee at Commercial Bank

Eligibility Criteria
Age limit - below 22 years of age.

Passed six (06) subjects with four (04) "C" Passes including Mathematics, an "A" or "B" pass for English and minimum "S" pass for Sinhala / Tamil language in a single sitting at the GCE O/L Examination.

OrPassed six (06) subjects with three (03) “B” passes, including English and Mathematics and three (03) “C” passes in a single sitting at Edexcel or Cambridge (O/L) Examination.

Should also possess Three (03) “S” passes at G.C.E A/L Examination excluding General English in a single sitting.

OrThree (03) “C” passes at Edexcel or Cambridge (A/L) Examination in a single sitting.